Who Is the Circle of Clergy?

The Circle of Clergy (COC) is an interfaith collaboration among Fort Worth faith communities to enter and actively engage in the conversation about diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice (DEIJ). Spiritual leaders from all backgrounds stand together to offer the voice of faith, love, and heart to the critical dialogue around racial inequities that affect the pace and equilibrium of our city, state, country, and beyond.

Our Mission

The Circle of Clergy is an interfaith collaboration working for racial justice and unity in Fort Worth and beyond.

Interfaith Covenant

As clergy of different faith traditions and religious convictions, we believe that faith is a rich wellspring from which we draw our commitments to pursue racial justice and unity in our community. While our theological beliefs vary within our coalition, we covenant to model respect for one another and to work together for our common purpose of racial justice and unity.

We covenant to learn from one another and from our variety of religious sensibilities and viewpoints. In our journey together, we recognize that there will be times when we inadvertently misspeak or offend another, and we commit to work towards understanding, growth and reconciling relationships with one another.

We do this for our purpose of racial justice and unity and in order to make the Circle of Clergy a welcome space for all.

How Can I Get Involved?

As the faith/spiritual leader of your community, you are welcome to join our regular Circle of Clergy meetings and events to become a valuable collaborator and contributor to our efforts.

Subscribe to our newsletter (below), join our mailing list, and visit us at our next meeting.

Faith Community Affiliates

“For the body is not one member, but many.” —1 Corinthians 12:14

"He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with the Lord thy God?"

—Micah 6:8